The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Greetings! I so loved my experiences during my Penn State years in Happy Valley! I have since lived in Washington, DC, Houston, TX, eastern Germany, and now, northern NJ! I started out as a Communications Studies major at PSU and now I'm a professional business and life coach, giving speeches, workshops, doing a lot of writing (Google my name and see!) and loving life! I can now say that I have clearly over 25 years experience assisting Edgewalkers, Trailblazers, Leaders, Executives, Business Owners/Entrepreneurs, and Individuals Worldwide. Check out my website with lots of fun links and subscribe to my newsletter if you want to gain a new perspective on life, or just see the world through my eyes! Vibrant Visions International is my company name and you can see why... On the personal side, I must admit that I have a boatload of experience with the joys and lessons of amazing friendships, relationships, marriages, multiple miscarriages, and one successful pregnancy! I became a mother at the age of 44, and love seeing my amazing 8 year old daughter (that's right!), Delphine, blossom and grow! She is an accomplished artist, swimmer, natural healer, and a comedian. Wow! Life is ever changing and interesting around here! Give us a shout if you're in the northern NJ area and let's have a cup of tea! In Love and Light, Verena